
Photography for Beginners

Photography for Beginners

Photography for Beginners

If you thinking to start photography as a beginner I have to share my thoughts, hope this will help you to understand the insights of photography. If you have a passion for photography you will definitely learn the techniques as faster. At the same time, potential expenses and the vast amount of information that you’ll need to acquire can be overwhelming for any aspiring photographer, or anyone embarking upon a beginner photography career.
So what’s the first step to take?
Don’t worry, it’s pretty easy. And no matter which tip you start off with, as long as you support your drive to grow in the field, your passion and interest will definitely take your place. Let's start:

1. How to inspire yourself for photography

Have you lost your zest for photography? It’s a challenge every photographer has faced at some point in their lives.
So, what’s the solution? Leave your camera in its bag and hope that inspiration will randomly strike at some point? Not a chance! I’ve been shooting and blogging new photos every single day for almost five years now, so I’ve been through many patches like this. My answer – keep shooting and your motivation and inspiration will soon return.
Here are some of the things I do to keep my photographic motivation and inspiration alive along the way

2. Always Carry a Camera

This one’s a no-brainer if you’re going to find your photographic mojo! How are you going to take great photos if you don’t have a camera with you?
It’s so easy these days, as virtually everyone has a camera built into their mobile phone. My choice though is to always carry my camera with at least a small prime lens attached. It’s compact and lightweight and capable of much greater image quality than any smartphone.

3. Visit Somewhere New for Photography Inspiration

If I want to refresh my photography inspiration, one of the simplest ways is to visit somewhere new with my camera, to give me fresh scenes to photograph. This doesn’t have to be a major expedition to somewhere exotic, like bird sanctuary or nearby lake or beach. It could be as simple as going to a nearby village you’ve never visited before, or exploring an unfamiliar area of the local park. Of course, if you have the budget to travel to the world, go for it!

4. Shoot an Unfamiliar Subject

What’s your favorite genre of photography? Perhaps wildlife or landscapes? Why not refresh your inspiration by photographing something different? It’ll make you think about how you take your photos and may make you think in a different way about your regular subjects you will amaze to see the result. You have to randomly click with giving more importance to any specific subject.

5. Get out of Your Comfort Zone

To get up at 4 am in the morning to a rainy day or in any difficulties off course, if you really want to stretch yourself, why not pick a subject that wild horses couldn’t persuade you to shoot under normal circumstances?! Personally, portrait photography is completely out of my comfort zone. But on the occasions I’ve tried it and had good results, it’s given my confidence and motivation a huge boost. Finally, you have a smile on your face.

6. Shoot for a Theme

If you feel your photographic habits lack focus why not set yourself a theme to shoot for? It could be something as simple as going for a Photowalk and shooting subjects of a particular shape or colour. You can learn basic photography for beginners, there’s a new photography challenge over in the Photoblog Forum every week. Why not take part? It could be just what you need to refresh your photography inspiration!
Alternatively, you might choose an ongoing theme that will sustain you over several weeks or months. You could commit to publishing at least one photo a week for a year, or perhaps pick a subject you can document over time.

7. Practice, Practice, and Practice

There is no short cart for learning. Nothing is going to help you more that keep experiments and doing every day. Just make sure you have enough memory on your camera storage.

8. Use Social Media to share your work

We should use our creativity on social network platforms by sharing your photos and videos you can connect with many professional photographers and learn from them.

9. Understand the basics of camera settings

Photography for Beginners

Photography for Beginners

10. Be consistent, Be positive and keep patience

There are a wide variety of cameras in today's world. You should choose which one you are going to use before delving into the details of this Instructable. I would recommend choosing a camera suited to your purposes and price point. Here are the main types of cameras on the market.

Photography for Beginners

1) Point-and-shoot cameras are meant for the aspiring photographer. They are really compact (hence their other name, compact cameras) and can be put in one's pocket. They are often incredibly cheap, and they have a surprising number of features as such. These are great for people aspiring to try out photography without any kind of commitment. Note that if you ever want to take your photography professional, you are going to want to move on from point-and-shoots relatively quickly. Nevertheless, they are great for carrying around on vacations and to other places when you really don't want to be lugging around all of your equipment.

2) Bridge Cameras bridge the gap between DSLRs and point-and-shoots. These cameras are cheaper and require you to buy fewer parts (lenses are often built-in). However, this comes at the cost of quality and today DSLRs are so cheap, it makes sense to spend a few hundred dollars on a camera you can use for life, rather than trying to make a cheaper camera work.

3) Mirrorless Cameras were made to take away all of the confusion behind DSLRs. Instead of having a viewfinder that you look through, mirrorless cameras show you what the camera's sensor sees instead? This redesign allows mirrorless cameras to be compact. They are also easier to use since you can see the exposure settings of your camera in real-time. There are still a few downsides to these cameras, but as time goes by they are getting better and better.

4) DSLRs are those large, bulky, and expensive cameras, professional photographers hauling around. They offer the best of the photography world but pay the price in convenience and affordability. They also require you to buy a lot of other things, such as lenses and filters, to use them to their full advantage.

5) Full-Frame Cameras are a type of DSLR that has a larger sensor than any other types. This is because the sensor inside the average DSLR is a crop sensor camera. Having a full-size sensor enables one to take better quality photos. They are very expensive.

Thank you for reading….

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July 6, 2020 at 10:19 AM

Helpful information 👍🏼

Congrats bro Prashant you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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